Mini Flex Kid’s (Black Owned)

Do no contact us regarding this business. We are only spotlighting our neighbors currently showing at Industry City, Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Click on the picture, it will take you to the company's page. The URL is: hppts:// These are the most adorable kids clothes. Please support our local vendors. They...

Road Not Taken: A Simple Budget

I'd like to ask you a question. You have bought many items over the years to support others, did any of these vendors call during COVID-19 to ask if you need assistance? When you get your salary, all of that money is flowing to you. Then you give it away....

Roosevelt Island Tramway

Things to do in your neighborhood. When was the last time you hung around in the sky? Don't forget to take the nail-biting short trip to Roosevelt Island, NYC.

Free Kayaking for all Ages

Do not contact us regarding this post. We are not involved with this venue. We are only highlighting free or inexpensive activities around our neighborhoods. Get out of your comfort zone. Explore your neighborhood for fun activities. You must register online for the Kayaking sessions. View events at: