If you live in a metropolitan city with adequate 24-hour transportation? Do you really need a car if you are living in poverty? What if the cost of that car can expedite your road to financial security? How much is your vehicle-note? Insurance? Gas? Maintenance? Tickets? Let’s look at a...
Do you have credit card debts?
Try to pay them off ASAP. If you have more than one card, see if you can consolidate them onto one existing card. Or if you can open a new card with zero-percent interest for one year, aggressively pay down as much money as possible every paycheck. The idea of...
Prepay your mortgage
Too many working people are living in draining-poverty. However, a little education can really make a difference. Using an online mortgage prepayment calculator, I ran a sample mortgage I found online (result pictured). This is a $121,000.00, conventional, 30-year, 2.875% for 5 years’ interest, $502.03 monthly principal & interest for...
When was the last time you check your, or your parent’s long-term care (LTC) policy?
It’s possible you only have the original documents, but the service description has changed over the years. Call your company and find out what you are cover for. Write down the date, agent’s name, and information you are given. Repeat it to the agent to make sure you understand what...