Let’s celebrate Labor Day

What’s most important today is, how are you celebrating the labor you have put in during your working years? Do you have money to show for all the years you have been working? How about in your retirement?

Many people are not making a living wage, but they spend money on things that doesn’t enrich their financial health. Take responsibility for your own financials. Take a page from the people you admire, who have really accomplished real success through their own sweat and tears.

If you begin by tooting your own horn. Setting up a simple budget and sticking to it every paycheck, you will be amazed you can get there. Keep looking into the mirror, become your own cheerleader. Love yourself one word at time. You are not the only person who is finding it hard to get out of your own way.

It doesn’t matter how much money you earn. It’s how much you spend. Your take-home pay is the only money you have. Tackle that money one paycheck at a time. Keep saving and investing and you will see that money when you need it. Remember, a family can build together and help each other to branch out if everyone contributes a little.

Walking around The Bronx Zoo